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February 16, 2024 11:14am

Legislative Updates: Week Six

This week in Frankfort marks the mid-point for the long session. The legislature has filed more than 700 bills between the two chambers, and we are starting to see movement on priority pieces of legislation. Here are some highlights for the Louisville business community over the last week:

Legislative Updates

Religious Exemptions for Vaccinations

SB 182 was introduced last week by Senator West. This bill focuses on vaccination mandates by businesses, banning vaccinations as a condition for employment and requires that all companies that currently have vaccine mandates carve out religious objections as an exception to company policies. This bill was sent to House Committee on Health Services.

Heat Injury Prevention

Senator Chambers-Armstrong filed SB 183 relating to heat injury prevention on outdoor job sites. This bill mimics a California law that sets high temperature ranges and creates expectations for resources for employees working outside in those temperatures including shade, regular water breaks, and work breaks to accommodate the heat. This bill was referred to the Senate Economic Development committee.

Portable Benefits

HB 465 was filed last week by Representative Pratt, as a way to address healthcare benefits for independent contractors. This bill would allow employers to contribute to benefits packages that are available for independent contractors without implicating their employment status which would expand liability for employers. Similar bills have passed in states like Utah. GLI is vetting this issue.