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March 23, 2022 1:06pm

GLI statement on passage of legislation to increase childhood reading profiency

Senate Bill 9, also known as the “Read to Succeed Act”, has passed both chambers of the General Assembly and now heads to the Governor to be signed into law. GLI president and CEO, Sarah Davasher-Wisdom, issued the following statement:

“We are thrilled to see Senate Bill 9 pass the General Assembly and heading to the Governor’s desk. These vital education reforms will help fill student achievement gaps and ensure Kentucky students are best prepared for future careers. The Read to Succeed Act will increase reading proficiency rates by third grade, by increasing resources for students and early literacy educators and creating an intervention team made up of parents, educators and partners to shape early literacy curriculum. We strongly encourage the Governor to sign this legislation  to  strengthen our workforce into the future.”

Sarah Davasher-Wisdom

President and CEO, Greater Louisville Inc.