Greater Louisville Inc. The Metro Chamber of Commerce
× Greater Louisville Inc. The Metro Chamber of Commerce

Latest News from GLI Advocacy

GLI reacts to KY Senate passing SB 9 relating to education reforms

Following the Kentucky Senate passing Senate Bill 9 , GLI president and CEO, Sarah Davasher-Wisdom, issued the following statement:  “Senate Bill 9 contains vital education reforms that will address student achievement gaps and ensure our Kentucky students are well-equipped for future careers. The Read to Succeed Act aims to increase…

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Governor Beshear calls for record education spending in budget plan

After teasing budget announcements all week, Governor Beshear unveiled his entire budget proposal before a joint session of the General Assembly Thursday evening. The governor called for state legislators to make a record investment of $2 billion in pre-K-12 education spending across the commonwealth, the single largest investment in this…

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GLI Statement on General Assembly passing liability protections

President and CEO, Sarah Davasher-Wisdom, issued the following statement reacting to the General Assembly passing Senate Bill 25, which included an amendment to extend COVID-19 liability protections for businesses: “We applaud the General Assembly for quickly extending critical COVID-19 liability protections for businesses by passing an amendment to Senate Bill…

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SCOTUS strikes down vaccine and testing mandate for large employers

After months of speculation, the U.S. Supreme Court blocked the Biden administration’s vaccine and testing mandate for employers with more than 100 employees in a 6-3 ruling on ideological lines. That means that Greater Louisville businesses are no longer required to implement or enforce a COVID-19 vaccine or testing mandate….

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Greater Louisville Inc. Releases Local Legislative Priorities

Louisville, Ky. (January 13, 2022) – Greater Louisville Inc. unveiled its 2022 local legislative agenda which illustrates its top priorities for the year. The agenda features long-term priorities like increasing public safety measures and much-needed updates to streamline the city’s land development code. Other priorities include implementing relocation incentives to…

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KY House Budget Bills Filed Friday

House budget bills filed Friday In an unusual move, the House filed their biennial spending plan during the first week of session and prior to the Governor’s budget address. The legislation – House Bill 1, House Bill 241, and House Bill 244 – represents more than $51 billion in state…

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GLI Statement on KY Senate Bill 1

Greater Louisville Inc. president and CEO, Sarah Davasher-Wisdom, issued the following statement on Kentucky Senate Bill 1, which passed out of the Senate Education Committee on Thursday: “Senate Bill 1 contains important education reforms that have been long-time GLI priorities and will give school superintendents hiring authority to match principals…

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Supreme Court hears vaccine mandate case, enforcement and timeline remains unclear

After months of back-and-forth rulings in lower federal courts, the Supreme Court is set to hear oral arguments on Friday regarding President Biden’s federal vaccine mandate for private employers with over 100 workers. The mandate was implemented through the Occupational Safety & Health Administration’s (OSHA) emergency temporary standard (ETS) and…

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Kentucky General Assembly 2022 Session Begins Today

The Kentucky General Assembly begins today as each chamber gavels in at noon for the 60-day session.  Although it is considered a “long” session, legislators have much work to do to tackle major priorities before the session ends on April 14. The GLI Advocacy team has been preparing for months…

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Kentucky House unveils proposed redistricting maps

Yesterday, the Kentucky House Majority Caucus unveiled its proposed legislative redistricting maps based on 2020 Census Data. In addition to other changes, the proposed House map will require that four sets of incumbents run against each other to represent their districts in the House of Representatives. The incumbents who will…

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