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Greater Louisville Inc. Unveils 2022 Legislative Priorities, Recognizes State Legislative Champions

Louisville, Ky. (December 10, 2021) –  Today, Greater Louisville Inc. hosted over 100 business leaders at the Olmsted for its final Capitol Connection event of the year and the annual unveiling of the 2022 state legislative agenda. The event also featured remarks from Speaker of the Kentucky House of Representatives,…

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Op-Ed: Kentucky Business Community Applauds Passage of Federal Infrastructure Legislation

The following is an op-ed piece authored by Greater Louisville Inc. President and CEO, Sarah Davasher-Wisdom, Kentucky Chamber President and CEO Ashli Watts, Commerce Lexington President and CEO Bob Quick, and Northern Kentucky Chamber President and CEO Brent Cooper.  Economic development and growth take tremendous strategy and investment. However, Kentucky…

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Federal vaccine mandate blocked for federal contractors and health care workers

President Biden’s federal vaccine mandates suffered major blows last week when two separate federal courts issued injunctions to halt the enforcement of key rules for federal contractors and healthcare workers. A federal judge in Kentucky issued a ruling in response to Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron’s lawsuit blocking the mandate…

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GLI Joins Coalition to Address Workforce Housing

On Tuesday, GLI joined a coalition of state leaders to announce a bill for workforce housing tax credits that will address the shortage of affordable housing across Kentucky. GLI joined the coalition led by the Commonwealth Alliance for Housing Solutions, Kentucky League of Cities, and the legislation sponsors Representative Randy…

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Kentucky employers see continued decrease in workers’ comp costs

Last week, the Kentucky Department of Insurance (DOI) approved another workers’ compensation loss cost decrease for employers in the state. The 2021 approved rate filing used to develop rates for workers’ compensation coverage shows an average decrease of 10.4% for Kentucky employers over the past year, and a 19% decrease…

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House passes historic Infrastructure & Investment Jobs Act

House passes Historic Infrastructure & Investment Jobs Act After months of negotiation, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the $1.2 trillion Infrastructure and Investment Jos Act with bi-partisan support. The Infrastructure & Investment Jobs Act (IIJA) passed the Senate in August, with Leader McConnell working across the aisle to vote…

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OSHA issues regulations for vaccine and testing requirements

On Friday, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) published the emergency temporary standard (ETS), which requires private sector employers with more than 100 employees to require COVID 19 vaccination or weekly testing. The ETS requires employers to ensure vaccination and begin testing on January 4, 2021. Following the announcement…

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GLI statement on passage of historic infrastructure bill

GLI president and CEO, Sarah Davasher-Wisdom, issued the following statement regarding the U.S. House of Representatives’ passage of the bipartisan infrastructure bill: “GLI applauds the U.S. House of Representatives for passing the largest investment in our nation’s infrastructure in nearly a century. This funding will provide critical improvements and advancements…

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GLI testifies on local tax reform

On Tuesday, lawmakers heard about the need for a constitutional amendment to reform Kentucky’s overly restrictive local tax system, which would make Kentucky cities and counties more competitive when it comes to economic development. Shelby Williams Somervell, GLI’s Vice President of Government Affairs and Communications, joined with Representative Michael Meredith,…

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U.S. House weighs infrastructure and reconciliation bills in pivotal week

This week, the U.S. House of Representatives will consider several key bills including the bi-partisan Infrastructure bill and the sweeping reconciliation proposal. Despite attempts from some Congressional Democrats to couple the votes on these two bills, House Leadership has indicated that the vote on the infrastructure bill will move forward…

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