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November 14, 2022 2:45pm

November Investor Spotlight: Innovative Directions Investment Group (IDIG), LLC

Company: Innovative Directions Investment Group (IDIG), LLC

Founded In:  March 2017

Number of Employees:  38

Describe what your organization does in two sentences. Our goal is to educate clients who think critically and recognize that all thinking has a purpose, objective, goal, or function by ensuring they are clear about their purpose, about what they are trying to accomplish or achieve and they are far more likely to achieve it than when they are not. One cannot be a good learner and a poor thinker.

Who do you serve?  We will target small and medium size businesses with an employee population between 50-100 individuals. Usually those size businesses do not have their own internal training department. We can offer a flexible and affordable leadership development plan.

One fact you may not know about my organization is…  Why our 24+ years in the military matter? Since we are the best military in the world, you must have experienced and competent leaders to lead those individuals to be successful. More significantly, our leadership skills have transitioned to the civilian sector at all levels. Former military members are Board Presidents, Business Owners, Professors, CEOs, and an array of other senior and executive leadership positions in today’s corporate market.

What sets your business apart from others in the way you attract and retain talent?  Our goal is to assemble and maintain a highly skilled educational team of professionals grounded in sound educational and adult learning practices. Trainers require prior instructional and educational experience; therefore we will target new hires who: (1) have a background in instruction or education; (2) have at least 3-5 years of classroom experience (or in an instructional environment); and (3) have senior level institutional knowledge.

What do you like about being an investor in Greater Louisville Inc.?  We like the networking events and their willingness to put us in front of potential clients. They provide us with the resources of having the largest list of companies in the area, which allows us to target potential clients. They are always available and their willingness to help us is unmatched.

How does your organization engage in the community? Referrals: we ask for referrals, since this is one of the best ways to get potential customers. Networking: this is the old-fashioned and the most effective way to find new customers. Hence, we are active and participate in events and programs related to our industry. Reconnecting with old customers: by reaching out to our old customers and offering special offers, we can bring them back into the business. Discounts and offers: making sure to offer incentives to new customers. We use social media.

How can people engage with your organization?  People can engage with IDIG through our website https://www.idigllc.com or email us at [email protected].